How we helped our client determine the global private market opportunity for a travel vaccine

2 mins read
The challenge

Our client needed exploratory research to determine the global opportunity for a new travel vaccine in the private market.

It was crucial to determine market potential, key stakeholders and receptivity to the vaccine in question.

The solution

Conducted secondary desk research into travel behavior and travel volumes to relevant regions, as well as identifying private vaccination providers in each country.

We then initiated a first round of exploratory pilot interviews with a small number of participants in each market, both from markets expected to have lots of travel to regions affected by the vaccine-preventable disease, and markets in close proximity to those regions.

From this, we determined who the key players in vaccine decisions were, and which markets to best target for the full research sample. Once the full sample was agreed with our client, we proceeded to conduct interviews exploring the potential opportunity for the vaccine, in terms of who would be purchasing it. We also tested stakeholders’ reactions to a product profile of the vaccine in order to identify potential drivers and barriers to uptake.

The outcomes 

On completion of the full sample, we created an in-depth report and a supporting infographic which clearly outlined the private market opportunity for the vaccine, highlighting key market differences and key recommendations for our client as they move forward with the vaccine launch.

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