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Emerging markets.

Understanding through experience.

What we do.

Emerging markets offer exciting potential. However, these markets are uncertain, less understood, and constantly changing. How can global pharma hope to ensure success in these unchartered territories?

Our emerging markets team can help. One in three of our projects we manage cover one or more of the key countries ear-marked for growth. We carry out large-scale qualitative and quantitative studies across a range of therapy areas, throughout the product lifecycle, in China, Brazil India and beyond.

Emerging Markets
Your essential guide

Our dedicated experts have on-the-ground knowledge of the structural, cultural and environmental issues in emerging markets.

  • Expertise in over 60 + emerging markets
  • Completed over 300 + project in the last 3 years
  • Our 1 in 3 projects contain an emerging market

Find out more.

To find out more about our expertise in emerging markets, please contact us.

Our Emerging Markets experts.

Marc Yates

Senior Director Asia Pacific and Emerging Market

About Marc.

Marc is head of RP’s dedicated Emerging Markets division. He has thirty-five years of experience in market research and has specialized in healthcare research since 1996. Marc spent fifteen years in Asia, including postings in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In 2012, he relocated back to London to work closely with pharma companies looking to maximize ROI in emerging markets.

Marc is a regular speaker at industry events and has presented papers on Emerging Markets at EphMRA and PBIRG conferences.
