Virtual Conference Live.


Conference research is invaluable for evaluating the success of marketing and communications activity at medical conferences. However, as medical conferences are now being delivered virtually, the way in which new scientific data is communicated to physicians and other key stakeholders is undergoing a massive change.

Why Virtual Conference Live?

Due to the shifting nature of medical events, there is more need than ever for effective conference research to understand how target customers will consume conference output. In a poll conducted shortly after a leading medical conference had been held virtually, we found that the new format had attracted HCPs from across the globe that hadn’t planned to attend the event. Of the physicians we asked, just 61% were planning to attend what would have been a five-day event in the US. However, over 75% of respondents had since engaged with or intended to engage with online content presented as part of the virtual conference. In light of these results, it is vital we re-frame our thinking to the changing landscape.

How we can help you.

Over the years, we have become specialists in conducting mobile conference research amongst physicians attending conferences, giving our clients real-time feedback and insight into delegates’ reactions as they happen. Our approach has been very successful at engaging respondents, offering rich insights and immediate outputs.

Now, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the move from physical to virtual spaces, we have adapted our approach to conference research so that we can continue to effectively measure physicians’ reactions to new announcements and scientific data. Watch our video case study to find out how we can help you to understand your reach and impact in a virtual setting.

Find out more.

To find out more about how we measure conference impact in a virtual setting, please contact us.

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Our experts.

John Branston


About John.

John is a Director in the European client service team. He has 17 years experience in healthcare market research, conducting both qualitative and quantitative projects. In 2000, he started to explore and develop the use of the internet as a research tool. John won the Jack Hayhurst Award for best paper at the EphMRA Conference 2012 in Paris for his presentation on mobile research and is pioneering new research approaches using this methodology.