Getting more with less: Research Partnership’s robust trade-off technique.


Benefits of SIMALTO.

Value-based healthcare is playing a greater role in addressing rising costs. How do we address this effectively when evaluating new products or services for our clients?

Watch the video to find out more. 

Medical purchasing decisions require a multifaceted approach, and healthcare facilities must consider a variety of factors prior to committing to a new acquisition. As economic decision-makers tighten their budgets, clinicians are becoming increasingly cost-conscious. Now more than ever, they are tasked to articulate the value as they advocate for new devices or systems.

SIMALTO asks customers to make improvements or upgrades to existing products or services, but they are constrained by a budget. This budget is key in understanding how customers prioritize and value product/service offerings.


During this RP Informs session, we explore how our SIMALTO trade-off methodology can advise your team on developing a product that will win on functionality, uniqueness, advocacy, and price.  The session lasts 30 minutes, including a 10-minute Q&A session. The following topics will be covered:

  • The principles of SIMALTO, including its intuitive, real-life decision making approach
  • Outputs and deliverables
  • Evaluating when SIMALTO is right for your product or service
  • The benefits of SIMALTO over traditional trade-off methodologies such as conjoint and MaxDiff

Delivered by fellow researchers who are experienced in developing well-structured and comprehensive training programs, RP Inform sessions can be hosted at a time and date to suit you and tailored to fit your information needs. We cater to all sizes of audiences, from a small team of market researchers to a large forum of 200 global marketers.

What our clients say.

"SIMALTO has been a strong tool that our R&D and Marketing teams rely on to make crucial decisions during the technology development phase. Research Partnership has worked alongside us to make this methodology successful, and it’s become one of our go-to pricing methodologies."

Client from a Global MedTech Company

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