Our client required us to develop an actionable communication & engagement road map based on a robust understanding of “Millennial Physicians,’’ as the future workforce.
An ethnographic approach of week-long mobile diaries followed by in-depth interviews was conducted in 4 EU countries.
An innovative design focused on a holistic understanding of the Millennial physicians by tapping into their motivations, early experiences, the highs and lows of daily lives, interactions with pharma companies, and personal and professional growth strategies.
The innovative design facilitated high engagement from doctors. From a sample of 12 doctors a vast scale of high-quality data was collected in the form of 300 pages of transcript, 280 images, and 293 videos of 12 hours footage.
We developed Millennial technographic profile based on analysing digital and non-digital habits, social media behavior, apps, webinars, podcasts, WhatsApp messages with sales rep, other doctors, personal digital inventory, emails, articles and journals.
A total of 8 insight themes became the springboard for 8 communication and engagement pathways. Each engagement pathway demonstrated what physicians consider effective vs ineffective via format, channel, content and aesthetics with a range of examples.
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