How we informed the development and communication of benefits for a novel gastrojejunostomy (GJ) device

2 mins read
The challenge

Our client wanted to gather information on the features of three low-profile GJ tube prototypes including understanding the drivers and barriers of use. This would support the decision to commercialize one and to develop the optimal messaging communicating the benefits from the end-user perspective.

The solution

To understand the target personas, we conducted qualitative telephone interviews with Gastroenterologists, Interventional Radiologists, Pediatric Surgeons, Patients and Caregivers via a virtual platform. During interviews, we conducted the following exercises:

  • Jobs to be done – Focusing on desired outcomes with GJ tubes rather than on products or solutions, we asked respondents to identify the desired outcomes and the level of success with which they are able to achieve these to better understand the underlying process behind their prototype evaluations
  • Blob tree – This technique helped us to elicit deep feelings that may not come to the surface with explicit questions and to explore the patients/caregivers’ perfect GJ tube and uncover hidden unmet needs
  • Patient vignettes – This helped to contextualize conversations around the use of GJ tubes, focusing the discussion on HCP patient types
  • Future framing exercise – HCPs were instructed to imagine a future where their preferred product (prototype) was used broadly in adult vs. ped patients to better understand expected use/treatment change once Product X is available on the market
  • Controversial Statements Exercise – To test HCPs’ attitudes vs. our client’s hypothesis on uptake to gain deeper insight on the expected opportunity
The outputs

Final strategic recommendations were developed by considering all elements of the research. We provided our client with a report, helping them to understand:

  • Current market dynamics
    We provided an understanding of the available products on the market, frequency of placement or prescription, uses/preferences among patients and HCPs.
  • Evaluation of Product X GJ prototypes
    We analyzed initial reactions, likes/dislikes, concerns, clinical relevance, emotional/functional benefits, and the key points of differentiation vs. competitor product. This helped our client to understand the patient willingness to use Product X and identify any reservations and anticipated challenges.
  • Understand perception and unmet needs
    We assessed the perception of the low-profile feeding tubes vs. current products to understand the point of differentiation and degree to which the prototypes were addressing pain points today


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